Patron Sponsorship


2023-2024 NMSO Platinum Benefactor - $10,000

The PLATINUM BENEFACTOR membership for the 52nd season of the North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra includes up to eight season tickets to our five regularly scheduled concerts, reserved concert seating, and recognition in our season program and marquee at venue entrance.

2023-2024 NMSO Gold Benefactor - $5,000

The GOLD BENEFACTOR membership for the 52nd season of the North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra includes up to six season tickets to our five regularly scheduled concerts, reserved concert seating, and recognition in our season program.

2023-2024 NMSO Grand Benefactor $1,500

The GRAND BENEFACTOR membership for the 52nd season of the North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra includes up to four season tickets to our five regularly scheduled concerts, reserved concert seating, and recognition in our season program.

2023-2024 Benefactor $1,000

The BENEFACTOR membership includes two season tickets to our five regularly scheduled concerts of the 52nd season, reserved concert seating, and recognition in our season program.

2023-2024 NMSO Sponsor $750

The SPONSOR membership includes two season tickets to our five regularly scheduled concerts of the 52nd season and inclusion in our season program.

2023-2024 NMSO Patron

The PATRON membership includes two season tickets to our five regularly scheduled concerts of the 52nd season and inclusion in our season program.

2023-2024 – NMSO Friend $350

The FRIEND membership includes two season tickets to our five regularly scheduled concerts of the 52nd season and inclusion in our season program.

Single Season Ticket $150

Single Season Ticket includes one season ticket for the five regularly scheduled concerts of the 52nd season.