Concert Schedule
and Tickets

Tickets to NMSO Concerts are Non Refundable

In Loving Memory Of

Margaret Anne Murphey

The 2024-2025 season of the North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra is lovingly dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Margaret Anne Murphey. Margaret Anne was a founding member of the Tupelo Symphony Orchestra and a dynamic long-time Executive Director who assisted in the hiring of every Music Director in the orchestra’s history. Margaret Anne also established a campaign to raise the funds to purchase a Steinway Concert Grand piano, and regularly attended League of American Orchestras conferences to represent the orchestra to the nation and to engage exciting new soloists for performances in Tupelo. She helped create the many outreach performances of the orchestra for multiple communities throughout north Mississippi, resulting in the name change of the organization to the North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra. She helped establish the wonderfully successful Carnegie Hall Link Up education series that, since 2010, has been presented to over 50,000 students in northern Mississippi, and she established partnerships with the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition and the Cleveland International Piano Competition to bring the winners of the competitions to perform with the orchestra in Tupelo, New Albany, and Oxford. These many audacious and selfless efforts were accomplished with Margaret Anne’s personal and powerful brand of charisma, charm, and indomitable spirit, and they helped to raise the profile and recognition of the orchestra locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

It is with deep gratitude and infinite appreciation that we dedicate the 2024-2025 season to

Mrs. Margaret Anne Murphey.

October 26, 2024

7:30pm • Link Centre Concert Hall

Celebrating Life

Featuring Yaron Kohlberg, Piano

The NMSO welcomes the return of international competition winner Yaron Kohlberg as he performs one of the most challenging and exciting piano concertos in the repertoire, the mighty Piano Concerto No. 3 of Sergei Prokofiev. The orchestra performs two works of Sir Edward Elgar: his orchestral masterpiece, the exquisite Enigma Variations — a personal musical expression describing 13 of Elgar’s closest friends, and the rousing Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1.

December 14, 2024

4:00PM/7:30PM • Tupelo High School Performing Arts Center

Christmas with the NMSO

featuring ICC & NEMCC Community College Choruses, NMSO Children’s Chorus

The NMSO performs its annual Christmas program — one of the region’s finest — featuring choruses from Itawamba Community College and Northeast Mississippi Community College, and the NMSO Children’s Chorus. The program will present many of your holiday favorites and some new versions of some old classics!

February 22, 2025

7:30PM • Harrisburg Baptist Church

Spirit of the Wild

featuring Titus Underwood & Austin Smith, Oboes; Zell Long, Narrator

The NMSO welcomes Titus Underwood, Principal Oboe of the Nashville Symphony Orchestra and the 2021 recipient of the Sphinx Medal of Excellence award and a 2021 Midsouth Regional Emmy winner for his work as film director on We Are Nashville. Titus performs the thrilling and exotic Spirit of the Wild oboe concerto by Australian composer Nigel Westlake, and he pairs with NMSO Principal Oboe Austin Smith to perform Vivaldi’s delightful Concerto for Two Oboes in D Minor. By popular demand, the orchestra reprises the dynamic work New Morning for the Worldby Joseph Schwantner, featuring Tupelo’s own Zell Long delivering the powerful words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Titus Underwood

Austin Smith

Zell Long

March 29, 2025

7:30PM • Link Centre Concert Hall

American Essence

featuring Artina McCain, Piano

A program of wonderful musical masterpieces by extraordinarily gifted American composers. The NMSO performs an exquisite lament by Pulitzer Prize winner George Walker, two works by Florence Price — the first black female composer to have a symphony performed by a major American orchestra: her passionate and powerful Symphony No. 1, with its musical reflections of Dvorak’s great New World Symphony, and also Price’s dynamic Piano Concerto. The NMSO welcomes the University of Memphis Artist-in-Residence Artina McCain, who also performs a delightful Dance Tribute by Ghanaian-American composer Fred Onovwerosuoke.

March 30, 2025

Queen’s Reward Meadery

You, Mead & the Symphony

VIP Hour 5-6 PM

Dinner Begins 6 PM

Crazy Cat's Eat Up, Jackson, Mississippi
Curated Meal and Mead Pairings,
Live Music from NMSO Musicians


April 26, 2025

7:30PM • Harrisburg Baptist Church

Sacred Choral Traditions


The Chancel Choir of the First United Methodist Church — Dakota Hill, Director

The Chancel Choir of the First Presbyterian Church — Robert Taylor, Director

The Sanctuary Choir of Harrisburg Church — Jasen Brown, Director

The NMSO and the combined choruses of the First United Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church, and Harrisburg Baptist Church combine to perform exquisite works from the wonderful and vast sacred choral repertoire.