NMSO Youth Orchestra
The NMSO Youth Orchestra welcomes student musicians to audition for the chance to experience playing in an orchestral setting.
The NMSO Youth Orchestra welcomes student musicians to audition for the chance to experience playing in an orchestral setting. After acceptance, students are given music to prepare in anticipation of two Saturday camps: one full Saturday of rehearsal and another Saturday of rehearsal plus performance. This culminates in a full orchestral concert for the community.
String auditions occur in person at the NMSO office on a yearly basis for students in grades 6-12. Woodwind, brass, and percussion players in grades 8-12 are chosen from the Northeast Mississippi Band Directors Associations Honor Band auditions. Students who are interested in the Youth Orchestra will be contacted after the results of the 2nd round callback auditions on January 27th.
Spring 2025
The dates for the Spring 2025 camps and performance are Saturday, February 22nd and March 1st. Please direct any questions to Dr. Anna Morgan, Youth Orchestra Manager: nmsoyouth@gmail.com.